The purported use of a consecrated Host at a planned satanic black mass at an Oklahoma City civic center would be a “terrible sacrilege” that requires a prayerful response, the local archbishop emphasized.
Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City in an Aug. 4 message lamented that the city-run Civic Center Music Hall was selling tickets for the event “as if it were merely some sort of dark entertainment.”
Rather, he said, the ritual was “deadly serious” and “a blasphemous and obscene inversion of the Catholic Mass.”
“Using a consecrated Host obtained illicitly from a Catholic church and desecrating it in the vilest ways imaginable, the practitioners offer it in sacrifice to Satan. This terrible sacrilege is a deliberate attack on the Catholic Mass as well as the foundational beliefs of all Christians,” the archbishop continued.
The occult group Dakhma of Angra Mainyu has scheduled a black mass at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall Sept. 21. A black mass is a sacrilegious ceremony that invokes Satan and mocks the Mass, involving the desecration of the Eucharist, generally by stealing a consecrated Host from a Catholic church and using it in a profane sexual ritual.
The event organizer Adam Daniels said the purported Eucharistic Host was “mailed to us by (a) friend.”
“That is all I'm going to say about how it was attained,” he told the Catholic news site Aleteia Aug. 6.
“As far as I know, the host mailed to me is consecrated,” he said.
Daniels added that the event was intended “to educate the public about my religion.”
Attendance at the event is restricted to those ages 16 and over. The sponsoring group has said the event is modified to comply with laws regarding “nudity, public urination, and other sex acts.”
Daniels had attempted to hold a mock exorcism at the same music hall in 2010 as part of a different Satanist group. However, the group expelled him after learning he was a convicted sex offender.
In July, an official with the city music hall defended the decision, citing the hall’s neutrality policy. She told CNA that as long as no laws were broken during the event itself, the city hall was not concerned with whether laws may be broken in obtaining a consecrated host ahead of time. She said that similar events scheduled in previous years had poor or no attendance.
Archbishop Coakley said that there are no indications the city intends to prevent the event from taking place. He encouraged Oklahomans to contact the office of Oklahoma City mayor Mick Cornett.
“I am especially concerned about the dark powers that this Satanic worship invites into our community and the spiritual danger that this poses to all who are involved in it, directly or indirectly,” the archbishop said. “Since it seems this event will not be cancelled, I am calling on all Catholics of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City to counteract this challenge to faith and decency through prayer and penance.”
The archbishop has asked that every parish add the well-known prayer to St. Michael the Archangel at the end of every Mass from Aug. 6, the Feast of the Transfiguration, through Sept. 29, the Feast of the Archangels. He has also asked each parish to hold a Holy Hour with Benediction from Aug. 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, through Sept. 21.
The archbishop will hold a Holy Hour, an outdoor Eucharistic Procession and Benediction at Oklahoma City’s St. Francis of Assisi Church at 3 p.m. Sept. 21, the same day the satanic event is scheduled to take place.
“We will pray to avert this sacrilege and publicly manifest our faith in the Lord and our loving gratitude for the gift of the Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our lives,” Archbishop Coakley said.
Tulsa’s Bishop Edward Slattery and Bishop Carl A. Kemme of Wichita, Kan., have also called on the faithful to respond to the threatened desecration with their prayers.
For its part, the occult group sponsoring the black mass has organized rituals it believes will counter Catholic prayers.
A controversy over another purported black mass took place in May 2014, when the Harvard Extension School’s Cultural Studies Club had planned to host a similar event on the Harvard University campus. However, that event was “postponed indefinitely” by the club amid outcry among students and member of the local community. The event reportedly took place off-campus with a small group of individuals instead.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
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Jesus we trust in you
ReplyDeleteI will definitely be in prayer. But this Daniel guy is up against our powerful God. Lord, have mercy in him.
ReplyDeleteThis is a terrible hate crime against Catholic Christians. Would they allow a ceremony of the burning of the Koran? of course not, then why is it OK to allow this crime against us? Is it just because we are too peaceful to cause you harm like the Muslims would do?
ReplyDeletetotally agree with you
DeleteDaniel is no match for God. The holiest of holes with be present...just as he was at the CRUCIFIXION ..... Are they or forgetting the outcome of that?? They are fools.... playing with the FIRE of the Holy Spirit.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who supports or attends will be held accountable. ...
we battle principaliries....thru PRAYER AND FASTING.. Read the end of the BOOK! GOD WINS!
Stupid adam daniels
ReplyDeleteIf a consecrated host was mailed to him, then it was stolen property from The Church. Can we not sue for him accepting and receiving stolen property? No, its not worth money (although its worth more than all the money in the world), but its the point of stealing from our church in order to humiliate it and Jesus.
I have faith In Jesus and with the faith of our Catholic chuch no evil will not triumph over our Church the Church Jesus Christ himself gave to his people..God is good all the time. In the name of God the father, God the son and God the Holy Sprit Amen.
ReplyDeleteMother Mary Pray for us..
The horses and the chariots are for battle but victory is of the Lord.
ReplyDeleteThey shall surely gather but because they are not of you Lord, they shall be scattered. St Michael, defend us in the day of battle. If God be for us, surely no man can be against us. Our God will fight this Himself and victory is assured!
This satan's slave adam daniels must be prosecuted for theft for stealing THE HOST. If he did not do it personally, then he is a cohort to the crime.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited about this news. I forsee conversions to Christ on the 21st. God let's certain things happen for the greater good. Don't worry yourselves my fellow catholics, A massive miracle is about to happen. Let's keep praying for the Miracle to be massive. Thank you Jesus
ReplyDeleteOh may God have mercy on these people for they definetly dont know what they are doing. Oh Jesus my dear beloved Savior please forgive them. God we trust You are Almighty, please do anything possible to stop this. St. Michael Archangel be our protection and aid against this sacrilege
ReplyDeleteGod will have the last say. God will defend us. That adam person is insane. That's the work of the mentally disturded person.
ReplyDeleteMy brothers and sisters, GOD is calling us to pray more than we have ever done before. We should not take miracles for granted; even Jesus prayed to His Father for power. He also showed us the power of prayer, eg: Matthew 14:23...., 17:19-21, 18:19-20, 26:36-41, and so many other times for many more reasons. We too aught to pray to make things happen.
O DIVINE Eternal Father,in union with Thy Divine Son and the Holy Spirit and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beseech Thee to destroy the power of Thy greatest enemy, the evil spirits. Cast them into the deepest recesses of Hell and chain them there fo ever! Take possession of thy kingdom which thou hast created and which is rightfully Thine. O Heavenly Father, grant us the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I repeat this prayer out of pure love for Thee, with every beat of my heart, and with every breath I take. Amen.
Imprimatur: + Richard H. Ackerman, Bishop of Covington, KY, March, 1973
I lived in Oklahoma for awhile... Most of the people who knew I was Catholic... treated me like that was the worse Religion to belong to. The High School mascot was known as the Duncan Demons.... I have a son who was involved in Satanism while he was in High School... I offer up my prayers... For all those who are misguided.... In Jesus name God bless this world....
ReplyDeleteThe arrogance of this Satanist is no match to the faith and humility of the Catholic Church, Saint Anthony the Abbot said to the Demons who keep on attacking him, he said " 'If there had been any power in you, it would have sufficed had one of you come, but since the Lord has made you weak, you attempt to terrify me by numbers: and a proof of your weakness is that you take the shapes of brute beasts.' and he added "'If you are able, and have received power against me, delay not to attack; but if you are unable, why trouble me in vain? For faith in our Lord is a seal and a wall of safety to us.' (8,Vita S. Antoni, Saint Athanasius). That is why even if these Satanic cult will counter with their innumerable rituals which they believe will counter the Catholic prayers, they forgot that one humble prayer of a Christian with faith will be more powerful than their prayers especially that the demons who act in their prayers are powerless before the prayer of the Church before the Blessed Sacrament because according to the life of the Saints when the enemies wanted to attack and invade the convent of the Poor Clare and try to breach the walls, Saint Clare who is still sick took the blessed Sacrament and raised it high on the air, when the invaders saw it, they were struck with fear, that is why this Satanic cult will never defeat and counter the prayers of the Church because it is written "Our side outnumbers theirs." (2 Kings 6:16), and that "If God is for us, who can be against us." (Romans 10:31) and it is also written "Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will draw near to you." (James 4:7-8). Because in the end "the God of peace will quickly crush Satan under our feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you." (Romans16:20). Daniels must hear and remember these words of Saint Paul before he mocks God in his rituals and underestimate the power of Christian prayer, for it is written: "Make no mistake: God is not mocked, for a person will reap only what he sows." (Galatians 6:7). That is why these Satanic cult will never win. Christus vincit! Christus Regnat! Christus Imperat!
ReplyDeleteThe arrogance of this Satanist is no match to the faith and humility of the Catholic Church, Saint Anthony the Abbot said to the Demons who keep on attacking him, he said " 'If there had been any power in you, it would have sufficed had one of you come, but since the Lord has made you weak, you attempt to terrify me by numbers: and a proof of your weakness is that you take the shapes of brute beasts.' and he added "'If you are able, and have received power against me, delay not to attack; but if you are unable, why trouble me in vain? For faith in our Lord is a seal and a wall of safety to us.' (8,Vita S. Antoni, Saint Athanasius). That is why even if these Satanic cult will counter with their innumerable rituals which they believe will counter the Catholic prayers, they forgot that one humble prayer of a Christian with faith will be more powerful than their prayers especially that the demons who act in their prayers are powerless before the prayer of the Church before the Blessed Sacrament because according to the life of the Saints when the enemies wanted to attack and invade the convent of the Poor Clare and try to breach the walls, Saint Clare who is still sick took the blessed Sacrament and raised it high on the air, when the invaders saw it, they were struck with fear, that is why this Satanic cult will never defeat and counter the prayers of the Church because it is written "Our side outnumbers theirs." (2 Kings 6:16), and that "If God is for us, who can be against us." (Romans 10:31) and it is also written "Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil,and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you." (James 4:7-8). Because in the end "the God of peace will quickly crush Satan under our feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you." (Romans16:20). Daniels must hear and remember these words of Saint Paul before he mocks God in his rituals and underestimate the power of Christian prayer, for it is written: "Make no mistake: God is not mocked, for a person will reap only what he sows." (Galatians 6:7). That is why these Satanic cult will never win. Christus vincit! Christus Regnat! Christus Imperat!